Highest EU Court Rules Banning of Hijabs at Work
Not only does this ruling sack Muslim women, but it also highlights the bigotry against Muslims, ongoing for years. On Thursday, 15th June 2021, the highest EU court ruled the banning of the hijab at work. This religious prohibition was justified by the concept of neutrality, to prevent 'social disputes'. Even the ECJ (European Court of Justice) has voiced that this is discrimination against Muslims. The court said, "A prohibition on wearing any visible form of expression of political, philosophical or religious beliefs in the workplace may be justified by the employer's need to present a neutral image towards customers or to prevent social disputes." The case was initially brought up by two female Muslim workers, one working at a childcare center and the other, at the Mueller pharmacy chain. After so many years of not wearing hijab and coming back from parental leave, they were told by their employers that this was not allowed, and they had to come without it. No...