Uyghur Muslims are suffering

If you do not speak against oppression, you are a part of it. 

Never Again is happening again, and no one is talking about it. Muslims of Uyghur are being subjected to genocide. It is the largest captivity of an ethnoreligious community since the Holocaust. 

Before the denigration of my article, read the Ink Stone's publication about what Chinese government officials have to say about it in the State Council. 

To put it politely, Muslims of Uyghur are 'trapped' in concentration camps. They are exposed to all forms of brainwashing and torture.

One of the few Uyghur Muslims, Qelbinur Sidik narrates to having witness firsthand violence and brutality on the other side of the so-called 'transformation through re-education' camps. Muslim women, even men are subjected to sexual abuse, including rape and molestation. Should they attempt to protect themselves from humiliation, they would be further reported. In camps, they are forced to go against Islamic beliefs and denounce themselves as Muslims. The suppression of the minority meets the U.N. definition of Genocide.

Groups including Uyghur Muslim Rights Project, Genocide Watch, and the European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect called the UNHRC in an open letter to launch an investigation. The letter states, 

"Under the guise of curbing religious and political extremism, the Chinese government has intensified widespread and systematic policies to repress Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples on the basis of their religious and ethnic identities." 

If you do not speak against oppression, you are a part of it. 

Please take out time to sign some of these petitions:


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